
How to Level Up with Free Resources and Insights for Real Estate Investors

Fix & Flip
New Construction
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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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The real estate investing industry is not an exact science. It is fluid and constantly changing. Whether you’re a novice investor or a seasoned pro, it is essential to learn from others and stay informed. That way, you will be empowered to make the best decisions to protect and grow your investment portfolio.

Of course, reliable learning resources can be challenging to find - and costly. This is why Temple View Capital makes it a priority to create helpful real estate eBooks that investors can easily download, get all of the information they need quickly and put those newfound insights into action.

As a private lender, Temple View Capital is personally invested in the success of real estate investors, and they know that knowledge is power. Keep reading to get a quick overview of each of the valuable eBooks you can download for free right now.

eBook #1: Make Money with Long Term Rentals

While it may be one of the most traditional ways to make money as a real estate investor, the secret to making money with long term rentals is far from simple. There are many factors involved - from how to qualify for a rental loan, what type of property you should choose and what to know before you invest. All of these factors and MUCH more are covered in this concise guide.

>> Download the FREE eBook: Make Money with Long Term Rentals

eBook #2: Boost Your Passive Income with the BRRRR Method

Once you start investing in real estate, you may not want to stop! If you want to keep the momentum going, the BRRRR Method may be the way to go - Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. While it sounds easy enough, there are important nuances with this strategy for you to be aware of. For starters, you should understand the tax implications, the impact on rent potential, and the type of property that works best for this method. But don’t worry! With this eBook, Temple View Capital has you covered.

>> Download the FREE eBook: Boost Your Passive Income with the BRRRR Method

eBook #3: Take Your Fix & Flip to The Next Level

One of the most exciting investments in real estate is the process of fixing and flipping - buying a fixer-upper property, renovating it, and putting it back on the market to sell for profit within a relatively short window. This process can have a lot of ups - and a lot of downs. That’s why Temple View Capital put together a guide to ensure you maximize your returns and protect yourself from headaches and hassles. You’ll even find out the median flipping profit in the U.S., according to ATTOM Data Solutions’ Home Flipping Report - and what you can do to increase your profits!

>> Download the FREE eBook: Take Your Fix & Flip to the Next Level

eBook #4: Building From The Ground Up: What You Might Not Know About Ground Up Construction  

Last but not least, the strong demand for new homes in the U.S. has spawned a flourishing new sector in real estate investment - ground up construction. While it makes for a promising investment, this newer model for private investors is vastly different from traditional real estate investing. Zoning regulations, easements and utility sources are just a few of the many factors an investor needs to consider when embarking on a ground up construction project. In this eBook, you’ll discover what stages you can expect in the ground up construction process, as well as how to avoid unnecessary costs and red tape. That way, you can focus on creating your new real estate investment property - from the ground up!

>> Download the FREE eBook: Building From The Ground Up: What You Might Not Know About Ground Up Construction

Your Private Lending Resource  

Ultimately, your success as a real estate investor is limitless - if you’re armed with the right information, resources and partners. Temple View Capital is a private lending partner for real estate investors, built by real estate investors. That means we know the exact challenges and opportunities in front of you, and we want to help you in any way we can. These eBooks are just one of the ways we’re here to help you. Another way is by offering you investor-focused loan programs that value simplicity, transparency, and efficiency. To find out more about how we can help you with your next real estate investment, connect with us here.